About Us

Ronan Hubert

Born September 25, 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland. Married, one child. Historian in aircraft accidents. Aviation accidentologist. Specialized in psychological preparedness for mass disaster and human factor.

Special thanks to Michael Roch for all information regarding accidents involving Soviet and Russian Transport…and of course my Friend Dmitriy Yertsov leaving in Moscow.

My mission, my goal

The Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives (B3A) was established in Geneva in 1990 for the purpose to deal with all information related to aviation accidentology.

The primary goal of the B3A is to collect, manage and archive all information relating to aviation accidents worldwide since 1918 till today. Therefore, its records is currently composed of thousands of documents, reports, photos, etc. representing to date more than 34,400 events.

The second goal of the B3A is to promote aviation safety through know-how action plans, training and information. On request, the B3A can take part to investigations, publish procedures and/or send any recommendations if necessary.

The third goal of the B3A is to inform the public and professionals of the risks inherent in the operation of an aircraft and training on psychological preparedness for mass disaster.

With an experience of almost 30 years, the B3A now offers its services and expertise in managing situations of mass disasters not only in aviation but in all other transportation modes: boats, trains, automobiles, etc. We should remind we must constantly challenge ourselves and understand that an accident is generally multi-factorial with human factor as the primary cause.

Let’s implement together a methodology to reduce the risk of accidents in the private and the business sector. My motto is to be better today than yesterday and not so good as tomorrow!

Ronan Hubert, founder of B3A is historian in aircraft accidents. His relationship with several investigation Boards worldwide, experience on site as well as almost 30 years of presence in aviation business gave him the opportunity to publish four books. His skills, expertise and impartiality are his strengths and he is today recognized as a knowledgeable accidentologist.

Is considered as an accident any event where an aircraft suffered such damage that it is not in a position to be used anymore and that it is removed from service (withdrawn from use, written off). In any case, the aircraft should be considered as damaged beyond economical repair.

Is considered as an accident any event involving an aircraft certified to carry at least 6 people, crew included (except for the early years). Are not considered helicopters, balloons, hot air balloons, airships, gliders, fighters, and all other aircraft which does not correspond to the criterions mentioned here above.

In military aviation, only are considered accidents involving aircraft intended for troop transport, reconnaissance, surveillance, medium and heavy bomber and logistical support.

Copyright & Photo usage

The B3A website is available to public for more than 20 years and offers to date the largest aircraft accident database worldwide with the NTSB and Aviation Safety Network.

All information and materials available on my website are the result of a daily work and extensive worldwide research but also of the contribution from many correspondents.

All pictures showed in the Spotting Database are the B3A property and does reflect aircraft that are not involved in any accident and are still in service at the date the photo was taken. There is absolutely no correlation between both Spotting Database and Accident Database which are totally independent from each other. Any wrong interpretation made from a Google research or any other Internet search engine is not the responsibility of the B3A.

Totally free, my website aims to remain a public service tool open to all, and can continue its educational work with donations only.

Every day I receive dozens of photos from all around the world, photos representing the aircraft involved in the accident or photos of the crash itself.

Some of these photos, old or recent, are not protected by any copyright and are therefore free of copyright.

However, the vast majority of these photos are protected by copyright and I strive to respect the copyright. This should comply with the Bern Convention.

Gentlemen’s agreements with some popular websites allow me to reproduce their photos on my website as long as the author’s name and the contributing website are clearly stated and respected.

However, it may happen that some pictures appear on my website without displaying the name of its author. Be aware that this is by no means a theft of the photo and I invite the author to contact me so I can add the appropriate copyright information on the photo and render him his rights. Any author who does not want the presence of a photo belonging to him on my website is also invited to let me know and the photo will be immediately deleted/removed.

Regarding my photos (only the ones with the copyright ‘B3A – Ronan Hubert’, they can be used and/or reproduced without prior permission only if the following conditions are met:

  • Respect of the copyright posted on the photo
  • Private usage only
  • Free website or free magazine usage only.

The usage or reproduction in a payable magazine, payable website or any other payable support will be subject to royalties previously set between both parties.

Any person or entity wishing to use photos published on my website but of which I do not own the copyright will not get any authorization from me. I am not empowered to grant permission to reproduce any image of which I do not own the right. In such case, I will invite you to contact the author and will transmit you his personal data, if he accepts to do so.

Photos belonging to different Investigations Boards such as NTSB, BEA, AAIB, ATSB, SESE, etc. are reproduced on my website through agreements with those authorities and remains from the Public Domain. I cannot grant permission to reproduce their photos as I am not the author.

Internet is growing constantly and my website has grown and evolved in recent years. With up to 10,000 visitors per day according to the news, it is not always possible to control all messages and their contents and I appeal to the civic responsibility of all of you, your common sense and aviation fair play.

I reiterate that my website remains totally free and aims to continue its mission of public service able to offer the best visibility with aircraft accidents worldwide. In no way I want to steal photos or any support whatsoever, but sometimes an error can creep into the millions of data and information I offer. In such case, I appeal to your understanding to help me to enforce copyright and to correct any errors.

The new website version which is online since December 2017 offers a different way to present images. You must click on the image to see it in its original format. Thus, the copyright may not appear on the page and a click on the image is necessary to obtain the original format and full size image with the copyright appearance.  

I thank you for your support, your contribution and all collective efforts.


1983First investigations about aircraft accidents
1990Foundation of the Aircraft Crashes Record Office (ACRO), later called Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives (B3A)
1991One year of research by the University of Geneva
1992Student by SwissControl, the Swiss school for Air Traffic Controller (ATC). School not achieved
1997Publication of my first book titled Aircraft Disasters from 1920 to 1996
1998-2002Dispatcher by TAG Aviation, the European leader in business aviation, based at Geneva International Airport
1999Publication of my second book titled Swissair’s Drama – SR111
Since 1999School of Judicial Police in Geneva : instruction lessons to students upon aircraft accident risks and psychological preparedness to disasters masses
2000Conference at Geneva International Airport on aircraft accident risks. Invited by the AGC, a Swiss Association (more than 1,000 members) which defends the interests of the Airport of Geneva
Since 2000Consulted by the official commissions of inquiry about statistics
2000Creation of the website www.baaa-acro.com
Since 2002School of Police Forces of Geneva : instruction lessons to students upon aircraft accident risks and psychological preparation to disasters masses
2003-2008Ground Operation Manager by Speedwings, business aviation airliner based in Geneva International Airport
Since 2003International Security Police of Geneva : instruction lessons to students upon aircraft accident risks and psychological preparation to disasters masses
2004International Security Police of Geneva : 2 conferences upon aircraft accident sensibility by the Annual Report for the Police’s staff
2004Geneva International Airport Security & Safety Service (SSA) : instruction lessons to staff upon aircraft accident risks and psychological preparation to disasters masses
2004School of Police Forces of Vaud : instruction lessons to students upon aircraft accident risks and psychological preparation to disasters masses
2006Independent Expert by the CERPAC : The Teaching & Research Center in Criminal Behaviour Analysis in Paris
2008Publication of my third book titled Aircraft Accidents and published by Editions Favre, Lausanne
APR2008Client Responsible Manager by TAG Aviation, the European leader in business aviation, based in Geneva International Airport. Also consultant about safety
2009Invited as an observer by the exercise GVA09, the biggest aircraft accident simulation in Switzerland, with about 800 people involved
OCT2010More than 3 millions visitors on my website and more than 2 tera octets downloaded
JAN2011More than 20,000 accidents in the database
OCT2011More than 4 millions visitors on my website and more than 3 tera octets downloaded
JAN2012The Index page is refurbished and therefore, the website is optimized for all Internet Navigation Systems. Also, the French Index page is definitely removed
2012Chief Administrative Officer by Jet Event, business aviation operator based at Geneva International Airport
2013Over 300 correspondents and contributors worldwide
SEP2013New website is getting online
OCT2013More than 6 millions visitors
NOV2014More than 23,000 accidents in the database
APR2015Operations Manager and Deputy to the General Manager of IDS – Integrated Deicing Services, based at Geneva International Airport
JUL2015Director of IDS Switzerland LLC
FEB2016Publication of my fourth book titled Aircraft & Safety
MAR2016New dedicated server online
JUL2016General Manager of IDS – Integrated Deicing Services, based at Geneva International Airport
SEP2016More than 24,000 accidents in the database
JUL2017List of correspondents updated
SEP2017More than 25,000 accidents in the database
OCT2017More than 10 millions visitors
OCT2017Kick-off meeting for the new website. Will be online within the end of the year 2017 based on a Drupal System
DEC2017The new website is online. Sinartis (Lausanne) will take care of the annual technical support and updates
MAR2018Development of a Human Factor Program
APR2018Human Factor Program teached to all staff of Geneva AirPark as part of an IS-BAH Certification Program
JUN2018Discussions about a potential program on Human Factor with the Geneva State Police regarding road accidents management
OCT2018First training course on Human Factor with the General Staff of the Geneva State Police (Road Police)
NOV2018First day of intensive collaboration with the Geneva State Police on Road Accidents Management
JAN2019Conference to all staff of the Geneva State Police (Road Police) as part of the Annual Report
APR2019Conference on accidents caused by poor phraseology and communication issues. Invited by the Geneva Airport Safety Office
APR2019More than 26,000 accidents in the database
JAN2020More than 30,000 photos in the spotting database
FEB2020Tweeter account updated - Every people who subscribe to the @baaaacro Tweeter account receive an automatic message for each new entry (new accident only) 
MAR2020B3A celebrates its 30th Anniversary - 1990-2020
SEP2020More than 27,000 accidents in the database
SEP2020New module called 'Latest updates' is online
MAR2021More than 24,000 pictures in the Accident database
JUN2021More than 31,000 pictures in the Spotting database
AUG2021More than 25,000 pictures in the Accident database
OCT2021The migration of the new Drupal System version has been completed by Sinartis
(a big 'THANK YOU' to all donators/contributors)
DEC2021Refresh course given to all Dispatchers of Global Jet Concept Geneva about accidents related to deicing
FEB2022More than 28,000 accidents in the database
MAR2022More than 32,000 pictures in the Spotting database
JUN2022More than 27,000 pictures in the Accident database
AUG2022More than 33,000 pictures in the Spotting database
AUG2022More than 29,000 accidents in the database
AUG2022Starting major research on WWII archives
OCT2022More than 30,000 accidents in the database
DEC2022Over 650 correspondents and contributors worldwide
DEC2022More than 31,000 accidents in the database
DEC2022Refresh course given at Payerne AFB to all Dispatchers of Global Jet Concept Geneva about accidents related to deicing - Thanks to Speedwings Executive and especially his COO Samuel Werner for the warm welcome. 
JAN2023More than 32,000 accidents in the database
MAR2023More than 33,000 accidents in the database
MAY2023More than 34,000 accidents in the database
AUG2023More than 34,000 pictures in the Spotting database
MAY2024More than 35,000 pictures in the Spotting database
AUG2024B3A is moving from Switzerland to south of Spain, between Alicante and Murcia