Date & Time:
Feb 12, 1985 at 0510 LT
Type of aircraft:
Beechcraft H18
Flight Phase:
Takeoff (climb)
Flight Type:
Cartersville - Atlanta
United States of America
North America
Crew on board:
Crew fatalities:
Pax on board:
Pax fatalities:
Other fatalities:
Total fatalities:
Captain / Total hours on type:
Aircraft flight hours:
The flight had not yet been scheduled when the pilot retired for the evening at 2230 to 2300 est. At 0230, he was awoken and notified to make a night cargo flight. The owner obtained a weather briefing and filed a flight plan, then briefed the pilot later. The pilot arrived at the airport at 0430. He preflighted the aircraft while the owner updated the weather briefing. The aircraft was cleared as filed with a clearance void time of 0500; the clearance was radioed to the pilot by unicom. During takeoff, at 0510, the aircraft was observed climbing northbound to aprx 800 feet agl in moderate snowfall with the landing light on. A short time later, the aircraft crashed approximately one mile northeast of the airport while in a steep nose down, right wing low attitude. No pre- impact part failure/malfunction was found. Reportedly, when the pilot 1st hired on, he exaggerated his flight experience; he had problems with instrument flying and was not scheduled for flights in marginal weather; and he was given extra help. At the time of the accident, snow was falling, mixed icing was forecast in clouds and there was a sigmet for moderate to severe turbulences below 8,000 feet. The pilot, sole on board, was killed.
Probable cause:
Occurrence #1: in flight encounter with weather
Phase of operation: takeoff
1. (f) supervision - inadequate - company/operator management
2. (f) company-induced pressure - company/operator management
3. (f) fatigue (flight schedule) - pilot in command
4. (f) lack of total experience in type operation - pilot in command
5. (f) light condition - dark night
6. (f) weather condition - clouds
7. (f) terrain condition - snow covered
8. (f) weather condition - snow
9. (f) landing lights - improper use of - pilot in command
10. (f) visual/aural perception - pilot in command
Occurrence #2: loss of control - in flight
Phase of operation: takeoff - initial climb
11. (c) ifr procedure - not followed - pilot in command
12. (c) spatial disorientation - pilot in command
13. Aircraft handling - not maintained
Occurrence #3: in flight collision with terrain/water
Phase of operation: descent - uncontrolled
Phase of operation: takeoff
1. (f) supervision - inadequate - company/operator management
2. (f) company-induced pressure - company/operator management
3. (f) fatigue (flight schedule) - pilot in command
4. (f) lack of total experience in type operation - pilot in command
5. (f) light condition - dark night
6. (f) weather condition - clouds
7. (f) terrain condition - snow covered
8. (f) weather condition - snow
9. (f) landing lights - improper use of - pilot in command
10. (f) visual/aural perception - pilot in command
Occurrence #2: loss of control - in flight
Phase of operation: takeoff - initial climb
11. (c) ifr procedure - not followed - pilot in command
12. (c) spatial disorientation - pilot in command
13. Aircraft handling - not maintained
Occurrence #3: in flight collision with terrain/water
Phase of operation: descent - uncontrolled
Final Report:
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