Crash of a De Havilland DH.60 Moth in Cramlington
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Crash of an Avro 504K in Werribee
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Crash of a Breguet 14A.2 in Nerja
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Crash of a Handley Page H.P.30 in The Channel
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Crash of a Fokker-Grulich F3 in Büren: 4 killed
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Crash of a Blériot 155 in Leigh: 7 killed
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Crash of a Latécoère 21bis off Marseille
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Crash of a Sikorsky S-35 in Roosevelt Field: 2 killed
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Crash of a Junkers F.13 off Puerto Wilches
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Crash of a Pander EC-60 in Dortmund: 2 killed
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Crash of a Blériot 155 in Romney Marsh: 3 killed
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Crash of a Loening 23L Air Yacht in Lake Ramsey
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Crash of a Polikarpov PM-1 in Dortmund
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Crash of a Fokker F7 in Wolvertem: 2 killed
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Crash of a Caudron C.61 near Rosshaupt: 5 killed
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